Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mr. Burke's Activities 2011

Thanks for your comments. I will respond here to the latest comment inquiring about Mr.Burke's activities. He's doing well, has recently turned 88 and is, of course, still busy writing! Your comments are most appreciated.


Julie Wittes Schlack said...

Mr. Burke, I'm writing an article about the "Our World" broadcast in June of 1967, which opened on the CBC with your interview with Marshall McLuhan. I'd love to be able to talk with you about the broadcast and about that interview. If you're willing and able, please contact me at Thank you.

Julie said...

Hi Mr. Burke,

I'm a writer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, working on a piece about the "Our World" broadcast in June of 1967. I'd love the opportunity to speak with you about the broadcast and about your interview with Marshall McLuhan that preceded it. If you'd be willing to talk or correspond with me, please send me an email at or phone me at 617-547-6159. Thanks you in advance, and happy belated birthday.

Julie Wittes Schlack

Donneley McCann said...

Happy belated birthday from Mexico!
I would be interested in knowing what topics Mr. Burke is currently covering in his wrtings.
Donneley McCann

JohnB said...

I hope Mr. Burke's memory is better than mine. Who was his predecessor and who was his successor on the CBC news?

Rob C said...

Dear Mr. Burke,

My mother, Marion Armitage as she was when you knew her, was wondering what news there was of you. If you would like, email me and I will put you in touch with her.

She asks if you still sail.

Best wishes for the new year.
